From its early conceptual phase to the actual power generation, the path for an AMR/SMR project meets many challenging breakthroughs and sometimes unexpected events, in an evolving context.
Currently embarked on several AMR/SMR projects, Oakridge is at the forefront to accelerate their progress and thus participates in the decarbonization of the global energy mix.
In 2024, Oakridge is France 2030 “Innovative Nuclear Reactor” winner.
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Project: Nuclear reactor core design
Technology: a 250 MWTh molten salt reactor with a cartridges concept which Thorizon has patented. THORIZON is a spin-off from Dutch nuclear institute NRG Energy, it is the first company to develop a modular reactor core with the molten-salt fuel (Uranium-Thorium-Plutonium) encapsuled in cartridges – which are removable from the reactor core.
Context: Proxima is an awarded project of the France 2030 “Innovative Nuclear Reactor” initiative by French government. Oakridge and Orano are members of the consortium led by Thorizon.
Role: Oakridge oversees the core design and core optimization to burn minor actinides. It implies neutronics Calculations with an aim to optimize the reactor core.
-Analyze how different materials, including minor actinides, interact with neutrons, to optimize the core design.
-Various reactor core configurations to enhance performance, safety and fuel utilization.
-Various fuel compositions and arrangements to maximize the efficiency of minor actinide recycling.
-Demonstrating Burner Capabilities: provide evidence that the reactor can effectively utilize minor actinides as fuel, demonstrating its capability as a burner reactor.
Focus on minimizing the generation of long-lived radioactive waste through the effective use of minor actinides.
- Sustainability:
By reusing minor actinides, Oakridge’s research supports the development of a more sustainable nuclear fuel cycle, reducing reliance on fresh uranium and minimizing waste.
- Enhanced Safety:
Core optimization helps to ensure safe operation under various conditions, addressing potential safety concerns associated with using different fuel types.
- Technical Advancement:
Oakridge contributes to the overall advancement of nuclear technology, paving the way for innovative reactor designs that can handle a wider variety of fuel types.
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Project: Regulations on reactor pressure vessels applied to Advance Modular Reactor
Technology: a 250 MWTh molten salt reactor with a cartridges concept which Thorizon has patented. Thorizon is a spin-off from Dutch nuclear institute NRG Energy, it is the first company to develop a modular reactor core with the molten-salt fuel (Uranium-Thorium-Plutonium) encapsuled in cartridges.
Context: Proxima is an awarded project of the France 2030 “Innovative Nuclear Reactor” initiative by French government. Oakridge and Orano are members of the consortium headed by Thorizon.
Objective: to challenge the conceptual design of the Thorizon reactor with the requirements of the nuclear pressure vessels regulations. Identify and define the pressure vessels regulation requirements on the Thorizon reactor concept in order to guide future technological and functional choices.
Oakridge provides the project with its French Pressure vessels regulations (ESP/ESPN) expertise by transposing to molten salt reactors usual requirements applied to PWR.
Know-how and knowledge of French and European regulations relating to pressure vessels applicable to nuclear installations to comply with them.
Upstream studies focusing on the concepts of in-depth safety defense, positioning of the 3 barriers, definition of a safe state.
Achievement: transposition of the pressure vessels regulations to the Thorizon One fuel cartridge and to the instant connecting system in the vicinity of the reactor core cavity. Critical review of the cartridge design options with respect to the ESPN application. Propose a technical referential to assess the fuel cartridge as a nuclear pressure vessels.
Added-value: applying the defense in depth, position 3 barriers, define a safe state for a MSR to anticipate licensing discussions with the regulator.
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Client: NUWARD
NUWARD is the name given to a LWR SMR project - producing 300Mwe electricity, currently being developed by the subsidiary of EDF (NUWARD). This solution complements EDF's portfolio of nuclear reactors.
Project: the development of an integrated* PWR SMR of 300 Mwe. *This integrated version of the reactor (SG in integrated on top the reactor) was abandoned by Nuward during summer 2024.
Context: Through its framework contract with Edvance, Oakridge has been involved in the NUWARD SMR basic design, for the scope of Systems Design and Nuclear Safety.
Role / achievement:
SME for :
-the Preliminary Safety Report drafting (DOS – Dossier d’Options de Sûreté).
-the Systems Engineering: conceptual design of the BNI Safety Systems; 9NPR, 9PRS and 9PCV (FPCCS -Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup system).
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Project: Nuclear fuel storage criticality-safety
Technology: a 250 MWTh molten salt reactor with a cartridges concept which Thorizon has patented. Thorizon is a spin-off from Dutch nuclear institute NRG Energy, it is the first company to develop a modular reactor core with the molten-salt fuel (Uranium-Thorium-Plutonium) encapsuled in cartridges.
Context: Proxima is an awarded project of the France 2030 “Innovative Nuclear Reactor” initiative by French government. Oakridge and Orano are members of the consortium led by Thorizon.
Role: establish a subcritical configuration of the storage of the nuclear fuel cartridges. The objective is to calculate, from a criticality perspective, the footprint of the storage facility of new and used fuel cartridges. The study will determine the interactions between the cartridges, with variations of the relevant parameters (pitch, reflectors, humidity, materials, fuel…) for the storage facility subcritical in all cases.
The project supports the preparation of discussions with the regulator and participates in sizing the nuclear building.
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Project: Lead Fast Reactor – Mox Fuel storage criticality safety and radiation protection
Client: Newcleo is a European startup founded in September 2021, headquartered in France and having premises in Italy and UK. It aims to build an LFR30 demonstrator reactor, a LFR200 production reactor and a MOX fuel manufacturing plant.
Context: At the start of the project and during the conceptual design phase, Oakridge provides support to Newcleo on designing a fuel storage embarking all criticality-safety requirements.
Role / achievement: Thanks to our experts in criticality and radiation protection, studies were carried out and Oakridge was able to optimize the sizing of the fuel storage configurations (Monte-Carlo calculations) and to deliver calculations notes.
Criticality-safety study including multi-parameters variations was performed (geometry, materials, reflectors, humidity, fuel composition / burn-up). Expertise and advice. Calculations in criticality and also in radiation protection.
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Client : NAAREA
NAAREA (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) is a French startup, developing an innovative and sustainable next-generation nuclear power; the technology is a Molted Salt Reactor.
Project: the development of the FOAK of a container-sized 40 Mwe MSR
Context: Oakridge has started the collaboration with NAAREA in 2024 for the Equipment & Systems Design during the conceptual design phase.
Role / achievement :
SME for:
1/Safety System Design: fluid systems engineering architecture, mainly for the Fuel Draining System
-System Description Note
-Interfaces Requirements
-Equipment List
-Concept & Design review and safety assessment
2/ Thermal activities lead: support for the heat tracing and the thermal insultation solutions
-Technical notes
-Technical Specification Requirements (TSR) for the potential suppliers
-Technical and innovative solutions assessment
-Definition of standards in accordance with nuclear
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Project: performing 2 days Seminar in Tokyo - about Advanced Reactors in Europe
Audience: 40 people from 6 Japanese nuclear operators and 2 nuclear institutes
Context: the interest for the topic has been rising even more within the Japanese nuclear industry after the recent news: the inception of the European Industrial Alliance on SMR in May 2024, the French government funding policy for advanced reactors start-ups, the decisions from some European countries to accelerate the installation of SMRs on their soil..etc
Role and achievement: Oakridge has gathered the up-to-date information about Advanced Reactors projects in Europe and built an extensive presentation, including key facts and numbers, technologies, projects timelines, industrial applications, highlights on strategic moves, stakeholders and communities, insights on the challenges…etc. The seminar was performed in English and translated in Japanese. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session.